An exploration tool of Arabidopsis metabolism


Feedback and contribution to ChloroKB

Our database is a clickable and modifiable review of Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast metabolism, and we welcome contributions from users to keep it up-to-date.

If you notice an error or some missing information, we would be very grateful if you could bring it to our attention for correction. To that purpose, please fill in the form below by giving a precise description of the error/omission along with any available public information (e.g. author/year/paper or PMID); if your correction is based on unpublished data we will include the researcher's name and the information provided as a "personal communication" only after approval from the author.

Researchers willing to revise maps and the corresponding protein information are invited to contact the ChloroKB team. Map reviewers are indicated by name, providing an opportunity to publicize their work. New maps can also be provided. In that case the contributors have to use the form below to contact the ChloroKB team. We will send you a CellDesigner template map with the color codes along with practical advice for generating your map. Any such contribution will be explicitly acknowledged.

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